Lawyers play several roles in the course of a real estate transaction. Our main role is to ensure that the transaction goes smoothly, and as part of that work we can:

  1. Review title of the property you are purchasing and advise you if there are any charges or encumbrances that may affect property ownership;
  2. Review the interim agreement, if any, and advise you on whether the agreement will affect property ownership;
  3. Confirm the status of the property’s annual taxes and utilities and ensure outstanding taxes and utilities are paid;
  4. Confirm the balance due regarding potential financial obligations you may assume on the closing date;
  5. Confirm you understand your potential GST, PST, and Property Transfer Tax obligations, calculate the amounts payable, and prepare all necessary documents;
  6. Draft a Statement of Adjustments showing the balance payable by you on the closing date;
  7. Draft all necessary documents required to complete your purchase and mortgage and review these documents with you;
  8. Arrange for document registration at the appropriate Land Title Office;
  9. Confirm property title has been transferred to you free of all charges and encumbrances, except those that you have agreed to;
  10. Pay the purchase monies to the seller on your behalf and report to you and your lender regarding completion of the transaction; and
  11. Draft mortgage documents, if you and your mortgage lender approve, at an additional cost.